Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mrs. Barton's Class Schedule

1st Period: Civics

2nd Period: Conference

3rd Period: Economics

4th Period: Civics

5th Period: PreAP Civics

6th Period: Civics

7th Period: PreAP Civics

2012 Back to School

Welcome Back to an exciting 2012-2013 school year!

Civics and Economics are semester courses that are required for graduation.  Civics is the study of citizenship and government.  Economics is the study of how individuals and nations make choices about ways to use scarce resources to fulfill their needs and wants.

Supplies:  A composition notebook, pen or pencil

Classroom Rules:
Be prepared for class always – have your work, textbook, notebook, pen or pencil.
Be respectful – to your teacher and each other.  Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.  Be respectful of other people’s ideas, opinions, and differences.
No food or drink.
Always follow directions! Listen to what you are supposed to do.
No writing personal notes or reading them. 

#1 Warning
#2 Sentences
#3 Parental Contact
#4 Office

Make-up work:  It is your responsibility to check the make-up box for assignments while you were absent.  All make-up work will be turned into the basket on Mrs. Barton’s desk. The student handbook policy on make-up work is a day for a day.

There is a class set of textbooks.  Students may check out a textbook to take home as needed.